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Since retiring I decided if I wanted to enjoy my retiring years doing lots of things such as travelling and family things I had to focus on myself to make sure I was fit and healthy. I believe the support I get from attending meetings keeps me on track together with the determination to remain healthy, making new friends and sharing the things that happen along my journey.

I started my Journey on 1st August 2014 at 66 when I realized I could not exercise, walk or do much housework without having to sit after about 20mins of anything. That is when I decided to do something about my lifestyle.

My sister and I acquired a Personal Trainer at a Home Gym which I thought at the time was going to kill me but alas here I am some 16 months later actually jogging (not very fast or for long periods), walking up and down steps instead of using the lift and also actually walking the shopping centres without the aid of a trolley.

It’s not about diet it’s about a lifestyle change and you wanting to live the rest of your years being healthy and fit. So you make a choice of how you want to achieve this.

I plan my menus, write down what I eat and get support from my friends and family. I love going to meetings each week and seeing the looks, questions and comments I get from members.

Menu planning to start off with is a little hard but once you get the hang of it, it becomes like second nature because you know what is healthy so you go from there.

I was and still am a calorie counter but since being on my journey I have diversified in some ways and try different ways of eating to keep me lifestyle change interesting and exciting. Experimenting is fun and you soon get to know what foods are good and healthy for you.

Sometimes you will think hey I have been really good this week so why did I not lose weight or maybe lose more than I thought I would. Well don’t despair as it could be a number of things – you could be building muscle which does happen trust me or there could be something that you are eating that maybe not be the right thing for your body and the only way to find this out is to experiment. It could also be that you are not drinking enough water which will assist in ridding your body of the bad toxins. Juicing will also do this for you.

But at the end of the day it is about being in the right mind set and focusing on your goals, menu planning, portion control and not be afraid to ask for help.

I still have 10 kilos to get to my goal and will then make a decision with the assistance of my doctor to determine where I go from there. I know this is going to be harder especially as Xmas draws near but I am very focused and motivated that I will be extremely careful and mindful of what I put in my mouth. I do not ever want to be what I was 16 months ago in weight or movement.

I have lost 43.3 kilos which is 6.8 stones which when you look at my 11 year old grandson, I have lost his body weight. Amazing!!!!!!!!!! I feel absolutely wonderful.

Now I hope this inspires all of you to have a go because if I can, you can.

Kay Killeenmy story thus far

Hi, my name is Vicki. I joined the Deception Bay weight club in February 2012. I have always been a larger size person struggling with my weight most of my life. The crunch finally came when my knee problems became chronic and the weight wasn’t helping the situation.

I started to visualize myself in a wheelchair by the time I got to 55. A friend told me about a weight club starting up, and did I want to go with her. I said yes. The first night I stepped on those scales I weighed 178.3 kgs and I am now pleased to say, as of the beginning of October 2015 I am now down to 99 kgs.

It’s been a struggle at times but I am determined to keep going. Initially, I mainly worked on changing my eating habits, but found that something more was needed. I was a bit tentative about what exercise to try because of my knee issues, so I thought that the best choice for me would be doing some kind of exercise in water.

I started just doing my own exercise program in the local heated pool, but through the encouragement of a fellow weight club member I started doing water aerobics. I now do aqua classes every day and go to the gym three times a week. Never thought I would be capable of doing these things.

The biggest help is that I joined my weight club, and I guess having to step on those scales every week keeps me motivated. Also, the support I get from those at the club is fantastic and keeps me focused.

So to anyone struggling with their weight, why not find your nearest Weight Reduction Club and give it a go. It won’t be easy, but the hardest part will be taking the first step through that door and with their help and support guide you on your way.

All the best

Vicki Wackettmy story thus far

I now have a realistic goal and program to achieve it. My doctors says it was the best thing I could have done.

Ruth Evans

This was the best decision I ever made. The support network is brilliant, changing my views on weight loss forever.

Freda Nils

What a great low-cost way to approach overall health improvement while shedding a few kilos.

Kath Klein